
Dealing with bully Board members

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The cover story in the July/August issue of CAI's Common Ground  magazine, "Bully on Board?", discusses a topic that has come up several times for our clients, and can be one of the most difficult condo issues to address.  Bullying behavior is unfortunately not restricted to the playground.  Many adults are guilty of using bullying behavior to control their associations and further their personal agendas.

If you are dealing with a bully on your Board, there are ways to defuse the behavior.  "Reining in Bullies on your HOA Board" from HOAleader.com also discusses some tactics for handling bullies.

In our experience, it's important to address the behavior promptly and directly.  Left unchecked, bullying behavior only gets worse.  It's up to the remaining Board members, and sometimes the owners, to ensure that the behavior is put in check so that the interests of the entire association are preserved.