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How To Ensure Your Association Meetings Are Not as Entertaining As A Television Sitcom  
Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 12:00pm
Join Gabby and Dawn on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m., for our next webinar, “How to Ensure Your Association Meetings are not as Entertaining as a Television Sitcom.” In this webinar, Gabby and Dawn will tackle how out of control association meetings have gotten and can get. Many boards and managers are facing confrontations and animosity within their communities that they have never seen.  These issues can create frustration, stall productivity and business from being conducted, create burnout, and instill fear. They also can leave those in attendance shocked that this is happening within their community and that they are not watching a reality show.  Often, there are signs that the community meetings are headed in this direction before they spiral out of control.  In this webinar, Dawn and Gabby will identify those red flags that may be waving in front of the board and management, signaling the path ahead.  They will also discuss what to do to keep things in control and what to do to resume control.  The presentation will also include real-life examples that will likely make you laugh, but help you to learn how to not be so entertaining during a meeting!
Register here.