Time for fall heating system maintenance!

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As the "boiler buddy" for my association, I'm responsible for handling the regular maintenance of the boiler that supplies heat to three of the four units in our building.  This includes annual maintenance required before the boiler is switched on for the season.

When I first handled this task last year, we were newly turned over from the developer, who had supplied the information for the company that had previously performed maintenance on our boiler. When I called the company to schedule an appointment, I found that they were booked for several weeks out, which meant that we wouldn't be able to start up the boiler (safely) until close to December!  Fortunately, I located another great company who was able to fit us in sooner due to a cancellation.

Though it seems that summer is just leaving us, it's crucial to begin making calls for your boiler servicing now so that you are up and running when the cold of winter comes.  It'll be here before we know it! Brrrr.....