Rights & Responsibilities - A Handout for Condo Owners

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Today I received an inquiry from a condo owner who was concerned about new Rules & Regulations that his association had proposed.   What struck a nerve for me was a comment he made about "reducing residents' ability to live as they wish without interference."  The fact is, when you are living in a community such as a condominium association, no individual can "live as they wish."  Each owner is a member of a whole that requires rules and structure to ensure that everyone can live peaceably without infringing unnecessarily on anyone else's right to the same.  

I often recommend that condo owners review and adopt CAI's "Rights & Responsibilities for Better Communities."  It's a great reminder that when you are living in a condominium community, the needs of the whole must be balanced with the needs of each individual.  We cannot each "live as we wish" when we are each living as a part of a whole.