Ask The Expert Q&A

Need help in your condo? Submit a Question to our experts and we'll post a Q&A on the topic.

(The full text of our"Ask the Expert" articles is available for viewing to Subscribers only.)

What insurance coverage do I need as an owner?

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Q.  Can you give some insight into what type of coverage I should get in a condo owner's policy for a condo valued at $270,000?  What coverage do I as an owner need to have and what will the building/asscoication policy cover?

Can an electronic copy of a W-9 be kept?

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Q. Can an electronic version of a W-9 be kept in lieu of a hard copy?

Can residents require an inspection of the building?

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Q. Do residents have a right to commission an inspection of the building without permission from the Board as to why the request and what the cost is?

Can an association require that people running for an open board position be current on their assessments?

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Q. Can an association require that people running for an open board position be current on their assessments?  It's not mentioned at all in the Declarations.