Ask The Expert Q&A

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Can an association require that Board members be residents?

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Q. Our bylaws state that a board member shall be one of the unit owners and shall reside on the property.  Our treasurer is going to be moving out of the property but remain an owner. I have been told that this person could still be on the board as long as they are an owner regardless of what the bylaws state based on the Illinois Property laws.  What is the correct thing to do?

Can condo associations regulate in unit laundry?

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Q. Can condo associations regulate in unit laundry if there is nothing that addresses this in the by-laws or declarations?

Do I have the right to contact information for members of the Board of Directors?

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Q. I am being told by our management company that the Board's contact information is private and cannot be shared.  The only way to contact the Board is through our quarterly meetings.  As a resident, do I have a right to contact the Board on my own?

Can a Board control window coverings?

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Q. Can a building's Board establish a rule dictating the type of window coverings each unit must have?  If so, are pre-existing window coverings considered Grandfathered?