"Must have" rules and restrictions

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When drafting an amendment to a declaration or to rules and regulations, board members or management will often say, "We must include this restriction," when that isn't necessarily the case. But then, what restrictions are absolutely necessary?

Check out this list of "must have" rules and restrictions.

Quick Tips for Board Meetings

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Here are 5 quick tips to help board members navigate board meetings:

  1. The purpose of a board meeeting is for the board to conduct business. Board meetings do not need to become owner forums - create an agenda and stick to the items of business that require a board vote.
  2. Meetings should be scheduled according to what works for the majority of the board. The board is not required to schedule meetings around non-board owners' availability.
  3. Try aiming for a daytime hour if you want to have a productive meeting. People are burnt out by the end of the day and this affects their engagement.
  4. Conduct your meeting virtually to make it easy for board members to participate. You can use a free Zoom account which has the added bonus of limiting the meeting to 40 minutes.
  5. Ratify any emergency decisions made in between meetings at the next board meeeting. Section 18(a)(21) has been added to the IL Condo Act requiring notice to unit owners within 7 business days of an emergency decision made on behalf of the association, but the action must also be recorded at a board meeting.

Being intentional about your meetings can alleviate a lot of stress for the board. 

Think Before You Speak

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More than ever managers and board members are receiving emails from unit owners with questions about what is going on within the association, complaints related to violations, maintenance requests, etc.

Oftentimes, statements made in emails are not kind and can be considered an admission. It is even common for an owner to bombard management and the board with emails. So, what can boards and managers do? 

Learn what steps to take in response to the email, here

Introducing Condoly! Your HOA Vendor Manager.

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Find, hire and manage professionals for all your HOA needs!

It takes a wide range of experts to manage and maintain your condominium association. Condoly helps you to connect with the support you need, when you need it.

Sign up now and find your perfect match!

Handling Association Bullies

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Boards are tasked with duties and responsibilities that ensure the success of the community. When dealing with bullies, carrying out these responsibilities and achieving their goals becomes exceptionally difficult. In order to not let this behavior derail the productivity of the Board, the Board of Directors need to be aware of how best to deal with bullies.

Learn how to address resident or board bullies, here.