Your Small Condominium Association CAN Get a Loan - If Your Records are in Order

Your Small Condominium Association CAN Get a Loan - If Your Records are in Order

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Does your small condominium association have large capital repairs to tackle but a slim reserve account? A bank loan may help.

In order to qualify for lending, your association will need the following, at minimum:

  • Most recent tax return: Yes, you are required to file a tax return annually!
  • Most recent year-end financial reports: Including a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement.
  • Most recent monthly financial reports: Including a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement.
  • Minimal owner delinquencies: You'll need to address unpaid accounts before you can borrow.

Haus Financial Services, LLC can help you prepare the necessary documentation and apply for a bank loan. Get in touch today!