I've been doing some research lately into possible bank financing for capital expenditures for a small condo association. To be honest, there aren't many options out there for smaller buildings. Most banks aren't willing to take a risk on a smaller building, usually because a single defaulting unit can have a great impact or the loan simply isn't a worthwhile financial investment for them. However, you can increase your chances of obtaining financing if you have the proper documentation in order when you are ready to apply. In general, you'll need the following to be evaluated for a bank loan:
- Tax Returns for last two fiscal years
- Financial Statements for last two fiscal years (Income Statement & Balance Sheet)
- Year-to-Date Financial Statements, including an Accounts Receivable Ledger
- Current Annual Budget
- Current # of Non-Owner Occupied Units
- Description and cost estimates of work to be completed and copies of bids or signed contracts for the work to be performed