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How can a Board compel owners to address maintenance issues?

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Q. I live in a six-unit condo bldg., and one of the owners in my bldg. has several maintenance issues in her unit that need repair such as constantly running faucet, etc. 

What are our responsibilities related to roof rights?

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A.  My wife and I are considering purchasing a house but we were recently scared by a mutual friend who claimed a few things were amiss.

Is the Board responsible for damage to my unit from a leaking roof?

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Q. About two years ago, there were roof leaks that caused damage to my condo. The Board at that time approved and paid for the repairs to my walls and ceiling. I just had to pay for the paint. Now the roof has leaked again in exactly the same spots, and the new Board won't pay for the repairs saying the By-laws say all unit owners are responsible for repairs to their own units and the Board shouldn't have repaired my previous repairs the first time it happened.

Who pays for deeded garage and parking spaces?

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Q.  If garage and parking spaces are deeded property who pays for maintenance of either the garage or parking spaces?  Is it the association's responsibility or the unit owners affected?