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One of our board members does not participate. How do we remove her?

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Q. We are a 6-unit building with three board members. One of the board members, however, does not respond to communication and does not participate in board meetings.

How can an owner remove a tenant who is creating problems for the condo association?

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Q. I'm the owner of a condo unit that I rent. Unfortunately, the tenant has been causing problems for the other owners/tenants in the building and has even been damaging property as a result of a personal relationship gone sour.

Can my condo board fine me for not cleaning?

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Q. Our condo building does not have a cleaning service in place. The board has mandated that each owner take 2-week turns  cleaning the common hallways or face an $80 fine.

Are condo board members at large considered directors?

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Q. One of our unit owners asked to join our condo board as a member at large and we agreed. Are members at large considered directors and do they have a vote?