
2024 Resolutions for Your Condominium Association

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Many of us start a new year with resolutions and changes we vow to implement to make this new year better than the last one. Boards of directors should do the same thing—especially when the members of the board are managing a community where people live and spend so much time! 

Check out this list of resolutions to consider for your community association.



2024 Chicago Shared Cost Sidewalk Program

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The 2024 Shared Cost Sidewalk Program is open to new applicants. This is a popular voluntary program in which property owners share the cost of sidewalk repair with the city.

Applications will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability of funds. Find out more about the program here.


Your Chicago Guide to Holiday Recycling

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Your official guide to sorting out your holiday recycling routine is here, Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation approved!

Check out the full guide, here.


Happy New Year, Chicago Condo Communities!

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While the confetti settles and champagne flutes are rinsed, we at ChicagoCondoResource.com want to extend a warm Happy New Year 2024 to all the condominium and HOA communities across the Chicagoland area!

As we turn the page to a fresh year, let's embrace the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Here are a few resolutions we encourage all Chicago condo communities to adopt in 2024:


Transparency in Condo Lending by Freddie Mac

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Freddie Mac is taking a step towards transparency by creating eligibility statuses and expanding access to information about condominium projects that are ineligible for mortgage loan purchases, along with guidance as to action necessary to make the projects eligible.

Learn more here.