
Cook County 2023 Holiday & Winter Eviction Moratorium Issued

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Every year, Cook County issues an eviction moratorium over the holidays and winter months.

Per the Order, the Cook County Sheriff may not perform any evictions:

  • From Dec 18, 2023 - Jan 2, 2024, with evictions resuming on January 3
  • Any day when the outside temperature is 15 degrees Fahrenheit or colder
  • Any day when extreme weather conditions could endanger the health and welfare of the people being evicted

Learn more here


A Big "Thank You" to Condo Board Members This Thanksgiving

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A condominium community depends on its volunteer board members to function successfully. These individuals contribute their time and resources on behalf of all of their owners, and the job is rarely an easy one. This is particularly true in smaller, self-managing buildings that do not have a property manager to lighten the load.

As we count our blessings on Thanksgiving, Chicago Condo Resource and Haus Financial Services would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the condo board members who donate their valuable time working to support their associations.

If you are a condo board member, thank you for all that you do.

If you are an owner, take time this week to extend your appreciation to your board. They deserve it.

Recognition of your board's efforts and gratitude for their sacrifice go a long way toward making condo living successful. Happy Thanksgiving!


Tips for Board Members Fielding Excessive Owner Questions

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Board members are often approached by owners individually with questions or requests. When this happens, board members can feel like they have an obligation to respond in the moment and be of assistance to their neighbors. This can cause unwanted stress and make it difficult for board members to create separation between their role as a neighbor living in the community and their authority as a board member.

Board members need to draw boundaries in order to navigate owner communication about association business successfully. Here is a wonderful Q&A on why board members need to establish effective strategies for fielding owner communication and how to do it: read on...


2nd Installment 2022 Cook County Property Tax Bills Due Soon

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Property tax bills are available online and due December 1st. Enter your address or PIN here to download your bill and/or pay online.

The Treasurer anticipates mailing these bills out in late October. If you have not yet received your tax bill, you can find the information online.


Conflict Management in Condominium Communities

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In condo communities, conflict can occur between residents or between a resident and the board. Additionally, a resident conflict can easily spill over to become a conflict between residents and the board. 

What’s the key to resolving differences? Learn more here